Notes on the SummaryInformation stream


  • to access it, you should know, that the actual stream name has the char 0x05 at the beginning
  • does not exist unless data is entered in the file property dialog
  • summary information is disabled in this dialog when stream is corrupt (OS assumes alternative custom usage)
  • properties are arranged in sections, but the SummaryInformation stream has only one section
  • stream can contain a lot of more properties than the dialog offers by default
  • only when other properties are programmatically added to the stream, they become visible and can be modified in the dialog
  • the meaning of a property (title, author, ...) is associated with its ID and its section's class ID, so external logic is required, the same ID has a different meaning in a differently classified section
  • the stream always contains a code page property and a locale specifier.
  • when updating values, the respective properties are deleted and reappended, so the newest values are always at the end of a section

Structure by example

For this example the author property was specified in the file property dialog. The last saved time/date property was manually added to the stream in hexadecimal mode. The other properties were added automatically by Windows.

Bold values in the table indicate fixed values, normally weighted values may vary from document to document.

Stream content

0x00 fe ff 00 00 05 01 02 00 þÿ······
0x08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ········
0x10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ········
0x18 01 00 00 00 e0 85 9f f2 ····à…Ÿò
0x20 f9 4f 68 10 ab 91 08 00 ùOh·«‘··
0x28 2b 27 b3 d9 30 00 00 00 +'³Ù0···
0x30 6c 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 l·······
0x38 01 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 ····(···
0x40 00 00 00 80 30 00 00 00 ···€0···
0x48 0d 00 00 00 38 00 00 00 ····8···
0x50 04 00 00 00 54 00 00 00 ····T···
0x58 02 00 00 00 e4 04 00 00 ····ä···
0x60 13 00 00 00 07 04 00 00 ········
0x68 1e 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ········
0x70 32 30 30 37 2d 30 32 2d 2007-02-
0x78 30 31 20 30 30 3a 30 30 01 00:00
0x80 3a 30 30 00 1e 00 00 00 :00·····
0x88 10 00 00 00 41 6e 6a 61 ····Anja
0x90 20 53 63 68 61 66 66 68  Schaffh
0x98 69 72 74 00 irt·


Stream offset Length Value Comment
0x00 word fe ff Byte order mark for UTF-16LE, others are not accepted
0x02 word 00 00 used for stream validation
0x04 word 05 01 OS Version: major version 5 (Windows Server 2003, Windows XP and Windows 2000), minor version 1 (Windows XP)
0x06 word 02 00 OS indicator: little endian decoded: 0x0002, possible values: 2 (Win32), 1 (Mac) or 0 (Win16).
According to David Erceg this could also be the platform ID, where 2 means NT-based Windows versions, 1 stands for DOS-based ones and zero seems to be no longer supported but had the meaning Win32s on Windows 3.1.
0x08 dword + 2 words +
2 bytes + 6 bytes
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
the stream's class ID, LE decoded: 00000000-​0000-​0000-​0000-​000000​000000
0x18 dword 01 00 00 00 section count, LE decoded: 0x00000001

Section declarations

Stream offset Length Value Comment
0x1c dword + 2 words +
2 bytes + 6 bytes
e0 85 9f f2 f9 4f 68 10
ab 91 08 00 2b 27 b3 d9
the first section's class ID, LE decoded: f29f85e0-​4ff9-​1068-​ab91-​08002b27b3d9 (The only section in a Summary​Information stream. The Document​Summary​Information stream may contain two sections with different ids)
0x2c dword 30 00 00 00 the first section's offset from the beginning of the stream, LE decoded 0x00000030
(More section declarations would follow here, but this stream usually has only one.)

First (and only) section

Section header

Stream offset Section offset Length Value Comment
0x30 0x00 dword 6c 00 00 00 section length, LE decoded: 0x0000006c
0x34 0x04 dword 04 00 00 00 property count, LE decoded: 0x00000004

Property declarations

Stream offset Section offset Length Value Comment
0x38 0x08 dword 01 00 00 00 first property's ID, LE decoded: 0x00000001 (Code page)
0x3c 0x0c dword 28 00 00 00 first property's offset from the beginning of the section, LE decoded: 0x00000028
0x40 0x10 dword 00 00 00 80 second property's ID, LE decoded: 0x80000000 (locale ID)
0x44 0x14 dword 30 00 00 00 second property's offset from the beginning of the section, LE decoded: 0x00000030
0x48 0x18 dword 0d 00 00 00 third property's ID, LE decoded: 0x0000000d (last saved time/date)
0x4c 0x1c dword 38 00 00 00 third property's offset from the beginning of the section, LE decoded: 0x00000038
0x50 0x20 dword 04 00 00 00 fourth property's ID, LE decoded: 0x00000004 (author)
0x54 0x24 dword 54 00 00 00 fourth property's offset from the beginning of the section, LE decoded: 0x00000054

First property

Stream offset Section offset Length Value Comment
0x58 0x28 dword 02 00 00 00 property type, LE decoded: 0x00000002 (2 byte signed int)
0x5c 0x2c word e4 04 property value, LE decoded: 0x04e4 = 1252 (Windows 1252)
0x5e 0x2e word 00 00 values are null-padded to extend to a multiple of four bytes

Second property

Stream offset Section offset Length Value Comment
0x60 0x30 dword 13 00 00 00 property type, LE decoded: 0x00000013 (4 byte unsigned int)
0x64 0x34 dword 07 04 00 00 property value, LE decoded: 0x00000407 = 1031 (locale: German-Germany)

Third property

Stream offset Section offset Length Value Comment
0x68 0x38 dword 1e 00 00 00 property type, LE decoded: 0x​0000001e (null-terminated string prepended by dword string length)
0x6c 0x3c dword 14 00 00 00 string length, LE decoded: 0x​00000014 = 20 (length of the following string including null terminator)
0x70 0x40 20 (see above) "2007-​02-​01 00:00:00" + [NUL] property string value, null-​terminated (actually this property requires a Filetime type value)

Fourth property

Stream offset Section offset Length Value Comment
0x84 0x54 dword 1e 00 00 00 property type, LE decoded: 0x​0000001e (null-terminated string prepended by dword string length)
0x88 0x58 dword 10 00 00 00 string length, LE decoded: 0x​00000010 = 16 (length of the following string including null terminator)
0x8c 0x5c 16 (see above) "Anja Schaffhirt" + [NUL] property string value, null-​terminated

Further information

Property IDs for the section {f29f85e0-4ff9-1068-ab91-08002b27b3d9}

01 Code page (02) 0b Last Printed (40)
02 Title (1e) 0c Create Time/Date (40)
03 Subject (1e) 0d Last Saved Time/Date (40)
04 Author (1e) 0e Number of Pages (03)
05 Keywords (1e) 0f Number of Words (03)
06 Comments (1e) 10 Number of Characters (03)
07 Template (1e) 11 Thumbnail (47)
08 Last Saved By (1e) 12 Name of Creating Application (1e)
09 Revision Number (1e) 13 Security (03)
0a Total Editing Time (40) 8000 0000 Locale ID (13)

Property types used in SummaryInformation streams

02 2 byte signed integer
03 4 byte signed integer
13 4 byte unsigned integer
1e null-terminated string prepended by dword string length
40 Filetime (64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601)
47 Clipboard format


Thanks to Tim Slattery for linking back to this page.

Thanks to David Erceg(his mailbox at hotmail dot com is: 'dave' underscore one five four)for corrections and for providing the resources marked with (d.e.) above.


Please send questions or comments to (her mailbox at the current domain is: 'a' dot 'schaffhirt').